The shadows in the cemetery that day were unlike anything I'd ever seen before. It was more than a cloudy afternoon. It felt ominous, like a warning.
A warning I should have heeded ages ago, if I'm honest.
I look back on every tear shed, every whispered word, every time I should have put a stop to a desperate fairytale that was spinning out of control. I question my sanity, when I look back on it.
Who was I? Or perhaps, who was I trying to be, and for what purpose?
Why was I looking for something I'd had all along?
I'll never forget how blue the sky was, the moment hope returned.
I had to shut my eyes to see clearly, but when I opened them again, the world was vivid, as if that shadowy night never happened. Or, at the very least, happened somewhere far, far away.
I felt something catch me, holding me steady once more.
Welcome back, said the voice that had silenced itself for so long.
And I smiled.
This is a piece of writing based on my healing journey. May it resonate with whomever needs to see it.
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