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Kids Say The Darndest Things//October 238th, 2021

 If you’re a fan of spooky things, and follow lots of spooky social media pages, you’ve probably seen those occasional posts that go around about creepy things that kids say.

Some of them can be explained away, but many are truly unsettling and do really make you wonder. 

It wasn’t until tonight, when I saw something in a random, suggested post on Instagram, that I remembered I once had a “creepy kid” moment of my own.

As I used to be a relatively avid toy collector, many of my post suggestions on Instagram are still from toy collecting accounts. The particular post that caught my eye this evening was someone’s vintage toy thrift haul. Smack in the middle of their cart was a toy I recognized immediately:

The Playskool Musical Lullabye Bird.

While most sites show the production year of this guy to be 1983, I’m absolutely positive that a later version (I believe the one pictured here) was re-released some time in the late 80s or early 90s, probably right around the time I made the transition from crib to bed.

I remember seeing a commercial for it on TV and really, really wanting it. (This was most likely due to the fact that I was a little obsessed with Tweety Bird in early childhood.) However, I was now sleeping in a bed as opposed to a crib, and my mother immediately pointed this out to me when I started expressing a desperate need for this toy. Somehow she managed to convince me that this bird was, in fact, for babies, and I was no longer a baby. (On a sidenote, as young as I was, I think this is when the idea of the passing of time and outgrowing certain things started to really hit me hard.)

At some point later on, probably a week or two after I realized that the Lullabye Bird was a baby toy, some sales circular (most likely Child World...Who else remembers that place?) arrived advertising it. I have a very distinct memory of sitting at the table with my parents and grandfather when I spotted it. I remember pointing to the toy in the picture and saying something along the lines of, “I saw this on TV and I really like it, but Mommy said it’s a baby toy. I wish they’d made it while I was still a baby.”

And then, suddenly, I still have no clue where I could’ve gotten this idea from, but it was as if a lightbulb went on in my head and I suddenly thought I’d found the solution to my dilemma. I looked up at my father and grandfather, worried that my mother was still a lost cause after the speech she’d given me earlier, and said, rather matter-of-factly:

“Maybe we should get it for when I’m a baby again.”

All three of the adults looked extremely taken aback but I what I’d said, and they explained to me that you actually don’t become a baby again, you just keep growing up into an adult. (I can’t remember if they mentioned anything about eventually “going to Heaven” like my grandmother.) 

I truly have no idea what my thought process behind that statement was, if I somehow simply believed that some people were adults but kids just stayed kids in some kind of constant cycle, or if perhaps, in that moment, I was remembering something about a previous life. 

Either way, looking back on it, it was definitely a creepy thing for a kid to say. Maybe not as eerie as some of the other stories I’ve read, but it does make me wonder, even now. 

Does anyone else have any memories of saying or doing something creepy as a kid? Or now any kids who’ve done it? I would love to hear more stories!

Stay spooky, my friends.


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